Last year in Seattle, we were fortunate to have had the opportunity for several one-on-one meetings in our Hospitality Suite, at the Conference Center, in our SkyLounge Conference Room and at other places throughout Seattle.
For those we were unable to arrange a personal meeting, we highly encourage you to contact us to be added to our e-mail list as we are always striving to explore the development and nurturing of mutually beneficial relationships on all fronts.
We believe that given the opportunity, even the tiniest seed can grow into an unimaginable bounty.
For Intellectual Property Owners and Their Agents-
SCHEDULE A MEETING to talk about how WE can help to PROTECT YOUR IMAGINATION and see your business grow .
Although we are truly BrandXperts , and CopyrightPros , we have some of the most competitive fees in the industry, with no hidden extras or surprises.
Not only do we love what we do, but our firm is also deeply rooted by a wide breadth of services, experience and business acumen in areas that many of our competitors, including much larger firms, have yet to even discover.
Un mensaje para nuestros amigos que hablan Espaňol
Estimados Colegas y Clientes,
Es siempre de nuestro interés aprovechar la oportunidad para intercambiar puntos de vista y experiencias profesionales.
Deseamos poder recibirlo y conocerle y expandir nuestro grupo de abogados en todo el mundo.
Nosotros Protegemos Imaginación!
CONNECT +1 951-296-1700
Toll Free: +1 833-632-8529 (TeEMECULAW)